Hearing Aids Adelaide: Hearing Services Program Repair

Hearing aids can make a massive difference to people with hearing loss. However, they need to be worn regularly and used optimally to achieve the desired results.

Eligible pensioners and veterans can access free hearing assessments, hearing tests, and subsidised hearing aids through the Australian Government Hearing Services Program. For more hearing aids repair in Adelaide, click here.


hearing aids repair AdelaideThe clear tubing that connects a behind-the-ear hearing aid to the ear mould is a crucial element in ensuring good sound quality and comfort when wearing your hearing aids. It is essential to keep your tubing clean and replace it when necessary, as it can become brittle over time and crack.

A re-tubing kit contains everything you need to safely and swiftly re-tub your hearing aids. Simply follow the instructions, and you’ll be back up and running in no time.

Whether you’re a private patient, an eligible pensioner, or a veteran covered by the Australian Government Hearing Services Program, our experienced team can help. With comprehensive hearing solutions to suit every lifestyle and budget, we’re here to support you on your journey to better hearing. Contact us today to discuss your options.

Battery replacement

A fresh battery is the best way to ensure that your hearing aids are functioning correctly. They are also relatively inexpensive and can be purchased from any pharmacy, chemist or supermarket. You may even find that your audiologist sells them for free as part of your ongoing maintenance agreement.

It’s a good idea to keep a spare battery in case of emergencies, especially if you wear your hearing aids while sleeping. It’s also a good idea to take your hearing aids out before taking a shower, bathing, or swimming. It’s also recommended that you remove them before visiting the hairdressers or when using sprays like hairspray. For more hearing aids repair Adelaide, click here.

If you have a hearing aid, it’s essential to check the warranty details carefully. You may be charged for the replacement of the Lithium Ion battery out of warranty, which can run to about $249 a pair.

Ear moulds

Earmolds are custom-made for each individual to ensure that they fit well and provide a good seal. They are made by pouring a specialised liquid into the ears and then using it to create an impression. This process can be uncomfortable for some people, but it is a necessary step in the fitting of any hearing aid.

Ear moulds come in various shapes, sizes, and materials. They are typically made of silicone and can be shaped to fit in the ear canal. They can also be decorated with gems, stones, and icons to match a patient’s style.

Some dispensing professionals believe that cartridge silicones are superior to syringed silicones because they are more dense and, therefore, can be injected more easily into the ear impression. However, the high viscosity of these materials will not allow them to be used with pistol injectors, which require higher-viscosity silicone for syringing. Therefore, these materials are unlikely to replace syringed silicones any time soon.

Tinnitus management

Tinnitus is a phantom sound that can range from ringing to buzzing or hissing. It can be present all the time or come and go. It can interfere with concentration and sleep and can significantly impact quality of life. It can also be a symptom of certain medical conditions like ear infections, jaw disorders, blood pressure issues, heart disease and some tumours. For more hearing aids repair Adelaide, click here.

Audiologists are trained to identify tinnitus-related issues and can help their patients cope with them. They can perform a complete evaluation of hearing and auditory function and assess for mental health problems and other contributing factors. They can then recommend appropriate treatments, including tinnitus maskers, sound generators and relaxation techniques.

The main treatment option for tinnitus is hearing aids, which amplify external sounds and make the tinnitus less noticeable. They can even be programmed to play soothing sounds like waves, rainfall or a simple household fan, which is perfect for people who have trouble falling asleep.

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